Explore new dimensions

Efficiency and accuracy with
AINETIC Explorer.

AINETIC Explorer

Why choose Explorer

Enhanced Efficiency and

  • Minimized Downtime: Real-time guidance and accurate workflows reduce errors and the time required for maintenance tasks. 
  • Precision Execution: Augmented reality instructions ensure that each step is performed accurately, minimizing the risk of mistakes.

Advanced Training and Knowledge Retention

  • Immersive Training Modules: Train new technicians in a mixed reality environment that mirrors real-life scenarios, enhancing learning retention and skill acquisition.
  • Preserved Expertise: Digital twin models and interactive holograms capture and retain critical knowledge, ensuring consistent and reliable maintenance practices.

Cost Savings and
Resource Optimization

  • Optimized Resource Use: Efficient workflows and reduced downtime lead to significant cost savings.
  • Scalable Solution: AINETIC Explorer is scalable to different types of equipment and industries, providing a flexible solution that grows with your needs.

"Where digital instructions
meet physical reality."

Key Features

  • Augmented Instructions: Technicians can view step-by-step instructions overlaid on the equipment, ensuring that each task is performed correctly and efficiently.
  • Interactive Holograms: Engage with interactive holograms that provide detailed visual guidance, reducing the need for guesswork and enhancing task accuracy.
  • QR-Code Scanning: Quickly start maintenance tasks by scanning a pre-generated QR code. This feature provides immediate access to the relevant workflows for any machine, streamlining the initiation process and minimizing setup time.
  • Asset Lifecycle Integration: Manage every stage of the asset lifecycle, from installation to maintenance, regular service checks, and refurbishment, all within the mixed reality environment.
  • Global Applicability: AINETIC Explorer is designed for seamless implementation across worldwide operations, ensuring consistent performance and integration no matter the location.

"Discover the Future of

The AINETIC Software Platform is more than just a tool – it’s a transformative experience that bridges the physical and digital worlds. By harnessing the power of spatial computing and digital twin technology, we empower you to elevate your maintenance operations to new heights of efficiency, accuracy, and performance.

Ready to take your maintenance operations
to the next level?

Contact us for a demo and see how the AINETIC Software Platform can revolutionize your business. Embrace the future of maintenance with AINETIC – Engineering the invisible.